Along with the announcement that the new South Park game would be an Obsidian Entertainment-developed RPG today, the company also released the first trailer and screenshots from the game, which you can checkout below! Screenshots Trailer E3 e3 2012 screenshots south park south parK: the stick of truth thq trailer Previous postStar Wars 1313 Gameplay Footage Next postDead Space 3 Official Announcement Related Articles KOI Launches Dungeons & Dragons... 1 hour agoJerry Paxton Constantine Arrives on 4K UHD Blu-ray Disc... 2 hours agoJerry Paxton DREDGE Complete Collector’s Edition... 4 hours agoJerry Paxton Lynked: Banner of the Spark Winter Update... 6 hours agoJerry Paxton About author View all posts Author website Jerry Paxton A long-time fan and reveler of all things Geek, I am also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of