Peacock announced today the new action-comedy series TWISTED METAL, a live-action adaptation of the global video game phenomenon. Anthony Mackie (The Falcon and the Winter Soldier) is...
Tag - Peacock
Bel-Air Official Trailer Released
Set in modern-day America, Peacock’s new one-hour drama series Bel-Air imagines the beloved sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air through a new, dramatic take on Will’s complicated journey...
Official Trailer for Snoop & Martha’s Very...
From Magical Elves, BuzzFeed Studios, and the minds of Tasty, the world’s largest digital food network, Snoop & Martha’s Very Tasty Halloween is a competition special hosted by...
Crypt TV’s The Girl in the Woods Official Trailer
Peacock unleashes trailer for original supernatural drama series ‘The Girl in the Woods’ from Crypt TV streaming Thursday, October 21! ABOUT THE SERIES The...