Bohemia Interactive has released a statement on the anti-piracy measures being featured in its new flight simulation, Take On Helicopters. The game features a degradation system whereby...
Tag - flightsim
DCS: Black Shark 2 Trailer
One day after the announcement of DCS: Black Shark 2’s release, The Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics have released the official trailer for the new helicopter combat flightsim...
Bohemia Confirms Patch Plans for Take On Helicopters
Bohemia Interactive has confirmed its patching plans for the newly-released flightsim: Take On Helicopters. The first patch seems to be somewhat minor, but the second promises some big...
DCS: Black Shark 2 Released
The Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics have released the next in their Digital Combat Simulator series, DCS: Black Shark 2. An upgraded version of the original DCS: Black Shark, the...
Take On Helicopters Launch Trailer
Bohemia Interactive has launched its new helicopter simulation, Take On Helicopters. Along with this news comes the game’s official launch trailer. Trailer
G940 Flight Control System Review (PC)
Hardcore sim-pilots can easily drop a few hundred dollars on a good flight stick, yoke, or throttle quadrant. Rudder pedals usually cost even more. However, in the last couple of years, a...
Take On Helicopters Beta Out Now
Bohemia Interactive has announced that the beta test for pre-order customers of their upcoming helicopter sim, Take On Helicopters, is now live. Those customers should have received CD keys...
New Take On Helicopters Blog Post
Bohemia Interactive has released a new blog post over at the official site for their upcoming helicopter simulation, Take On Helicopters, talking about the game’s animations. Take On...
SimWare Simulations Demoing Bohemia’s Take On...
SimWare Simulations has announced that they have partnered with Bohemia Interactive to demo the company’s upcoming helicopter simulation, Take On Helicopters, at two upcoming flight...