Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable, the first-person action-adventure VR platformer based on the highly-acclaimed manga circulated around the world to more than 140 million fans, readies...
Tag - Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable
Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable Early Access Launch...
Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable, the first-person action-adventure VR platformer based on the highly-acclaimed manga with more than 120 million fans, crashes through the Walls of Early...
Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable Official Early Access...
Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable, the first-person action-adventure VR platformer based on the highly-acclaimed manga circulated around the world to more than 140 million fans, topples...
Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable Announcement Trailer
UNIVRS is thrilled to reveal a new trailer for its upcoming VR hunting action game Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable. Players can put on their Omni-Directional Mobility (ODM) Gear and fight...