Category - News

Valve’s Orange Box Gold

Joystiq  reports that Valve’s Orange Box has gone gold and is scheduled for store shelves or your Steam account on October 10th. The Orange Box contains Half-Life 2, Episodes 1 and 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2.

Clive Barker’s Jericho Demo

Gamespot has posted the demo to Clive Barker’s Jericho, a scary squad-based FPS for the PC. Xbox 360 and PS3 demos are still in the works. The game is scheduled for release on October 23rd.

Transformers 2 in Motion

AICN is reporting via Variety that Transformers 2: An Even Bigger Waste of Your Life has begun pre-production with a targeted June 26th, 2009 release date. The AICN reporter also states, ‘I’ve heard rumors there’ll be no...

LaRouche PAC on Halo 3, ‘Its...

Joystiq reports that the LaRouche PAC, the same group who kept pushing the blame of the Virginia Tech massacre on video games has turned it’s sights on Halo 3. The article also states, ‘[With Second Life, or Halo 3] either way, the...

Terminator 4 – 2009

FirstShowing is reporting that Terminator 4 is scheduled to begin pre-production in October for a tentative 2009 release. The Halcyon Co producing the film still has plans to do a trilogy of new films as well. So…it looks like there is...

Kane & Lynch Release Date Set

GameSpot is reporting that third-person action shooter Kane & Lynch will be going retail on November 20th, the same date as Mass Effect. The game will be released on the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC platforms.

Apple Working on New Newton?

Engadget is reporting on a rumor that Apple has a team of engineers working on a new Newton PDA with a touchscreen ala iPhone. As some of you may recall, the Newton was one of the first PDAs back in the good ol’ 1990’s and did not...