Category - News

BioShock Score For Free

Cult of Rapture has released the amazing orchestral score of BioShock for free to download. The score sets the mood of the game perfectly. Can’t wait to download this ASAP.

Toshiba’s 32GB SD Card

Coolest-Gadgets is revealing the new Toshiba 32GB SD memory cards. Retailing for $350 when they are released in 2008, these cards promise to allow photgraphers, videographers, and audiophiles much more space for their respective media.

AMD X2 6400+ Unveiled

HotHardware  has all the specs on the new AMD X2 6400+ cpu, the last of the current AMD X2 processor generation. AMD really needs to get a move on if they plan on closing the gap in performance when comparing their processors to...

Far Cry 2 Developer Interview

ComputerAndVideoGames has a good interview with some of the developers of Far Cry 2. With as big a stir as the first one made and how great Crysis looks, these guys have some expectations to meet.