Category - News

Burnout Paradise Street Date Confirmed

Gamespot is reporting that Electronic Arts’ racer Burnout Paradise will be hitting North American store shelves on January 22nd. The European release date has not been mentioned at this time. From the article:Eager gamers who can’t...

Guitar Controller Incompatibility A...

1up is reporting on a rumor that seems to have some weight to it suggesting that the controllers for Rock Band and Guitar Hero III will NOT be cross compatible. If this is the case it means gamers will either have to fork over more then the...

Spiritual Tribes Sequel Coming From...

Shacknews is reporting that sources are claiming GarageGames has begun working on a Tribes-style shooter. As a person who played Tribes to death and loved every second of it I can’t wait. This could be the game Tribes 2 was meant to be...

Losses in Sony’s Game Division Double

Joystiq is reporting that Sony’s Games Division has fallen on some hard times as they have reported that in the second fiscal quarter of the year, operating losses in that division rose to $841 million, more than double the $381 million...

1up’s Clive Barker’s Jericho...

1up has posted their review of the horror FPS Clive Barker’s Jericho, lambasting it with a 3.0 out of 10! And here I thought this would be a good game. An excerpt of its destructive comedy:‘A prehuman demigod stealing slices of...