Category - News

First F1 2011 Gameplay Trailer

Codemasters have released the first gameplay trailer from their upcoming racing title, F1 2011. F1 2011 will be released on September 20, 2011 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Games for Windows, with Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita versions to...

SOE Announces PlanetSide 2

Sony Online Entertainment has announced the follow-up to their popular online shooter, PlanetSide, titled PlanetSide 2. The game is scheduled for release on Windows PCs and is being developed using the Forgelight MMO game engine. “With...

1C Announces Men of War: Condemned Heroes

1C Company has announced that they are continuing their Men of War action-strategy franchise with Men of War: Condemned Heroes. While there is no word on a release date as of yet, we do know that the game will focus on the Soviet “penal...

Dungeon Siege III Review

It’s been a couple years since I sat down to play a traditional role-playing game. I’ve dabbled in the Fallout series (if you can call 102 hours in Fallout 3 “dabbling”). But it’s been quite some time since I took on the adventure of an old...

Red Faction: Armageddon Review (OnLive/PC)

When I first started playing Red Faction: Armageddon I was a little confused.  Wait I am supposed to take a hammer and smash a wall?  Ok…BOOM goes the wall.  Pretty darn cool.  So for a while I went around all smashy smashy.  Well what do...

Metro 2033 Review (OnLive/PC)

2033 will not be a good year for human beings if Metro 2033 has captured our future right, but it is a good time for gaming.  Based on the 2003 (get the year?) book of the same title by Dmitry Glukhovsky, Metro 2033 is set in a bleak...