Lionsgate has released a new redband trailer of their upcoming DREDD, just in time for the San Diego Comic-Con! Trailer comic-con dredd judge dredd movies sdcc trailer Previous postQuakeCon 2012 Tournament Schedule Revealed Next postFirefly 10th Anniversary Comic-Con Panel Video Related Articles Universal Studios Hollywood Rings in 2025... 10 hours agoJerry Paxton Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Abyss Trailer 11 hours agoJerry Paxton theHunter: Call of the Wild Gets Three New... 12 hours agoJerry Paxton Glorious Announces Partnership With National... 14 hours agoJerry Paxton About author View all posts Author website Jerry Paxton A long-time fan and reveler of all things Geek, I am also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of
In every way that the first one was hokey fun this one is dead serious. I like that, if you are going to reboot make it a whole different film. Let Judgement Begin.
In every way that the first one was hokey fun this one is dead serious. I like that, if you are going to reboot make it a whole different film. Let Judgement Begin.