Arc System Works America, Inc. unveiled a new pre-order exclusive for Double Dragon Revive. When pre-ordering the game’s Digital Deluxe Edition, players will receive the bonus Double Dragon Dodgeball game for free. In the newly released trailer, classic dodgeball gameplay meets the world of Double Dragon and the series’ iconic characters. Players will experience intense, action-packed battles using dodgeballs as their weapon!
Double Dragon Dodgeball offers a variety of game modes, including a Single-Player mode with the familiar Double Dragon rescue mission for Marian, as well as a Survival Mode supporting up to four players for thrills from head-to-head matches to all-out brawls.
Beyond Double Dragon Dodgeball, the Double Dragon Revive Digital Deluxe Edition includes the base game, alternate character color variations for Billy and Jimmy, digital artwork collection, and digital soundtrack for fans eager to immerse themselves in the game’s rich atmosphere through its concept art and music.
The Double Dragon Revive Steam store page Community Hub is also sharing short stories that are not published in press releases or on the game’s official website through “Developer’s Diary Revive.” Check it out for behind-the-scenes stories from the development team and event updates.
Double Dragon Revive is set to launch on October 23, 2025 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Steam.
For more information, please visit the Arc System Works website.