We’ve been working on Chernobylite 2 for over three years, and today, it is one of the most significant milestones achieved. We’ve proven with you, our players and backers, that this is not only our dream project but also an essential creation for you.

And as they say in action movies, this is not the end. We have just started.

By reaching more than 200% of our campaign goal, we confirmed, justified, and solidified the sense of three years of hard work. Many of you already know that the Chornobyl Zone has been our obsession for much longer—since 2014, we’ve been there dozens of times, and this is our third project dedicated to this place. But this is the first time we can craft the virtual Zone to the proper size, making it an open world that you can explore seamlessly and for as long as you want.

Exceeding our campaign target with six stretch goals, we’ve secured many possibilities for expanding the project beyond our original plans. In addition to the key feature of switchable first-person and third-person perspectives, we know that we can add all guns from the first Chernobylite, including the lovely Blaster, make them all customizable, add extra locations for single-player and coop missions, and provide you with a customizable interface for both game perspectives.

With limited scope, we will keep our campaign live thanks to options of Late Pledges – you can still back us up and get some of the selected rewards for the next few months, but the amount of physical rewards will be strictly limited within this timeframe. Anyway, if you couldn’t afford to get some of the most remarkable physical items during our campaign period, there is still some option to grab them later.

And now it’s time to shift gears and press the pedal to the metal. Early Access to the game is just around the corner. On March 6th, players worldwide can play it on Steam. We’ll provide about one-third of the final game’s content, but in terms of content and time spent playing, it’s much more than the whole first Chernobylite game. Prepare yourself for the ultimate Chornobyl ride!

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Jerry Paxton

A long-time fan and reveler of all things Geek, I am also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of GamingShogun.com