This spooky season, Disney+ and Hulu are conjuring up an exciting blend of scares for every Halloween enthusiast as the comprehensive streaming homes of Halloween with a thrilling variety of spine-tingling premieres, nostalgic classics, and heart-pounding horror for every family member and fan.

Huluween on Hulu

Huluween returns this October with a fresh selection of frightening content that guarantees to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Whether preparing for a horror-filled binge or seeking thrills for a Halloween watch party, Hulu has assembled a month of chilling entertainment.

Hulu’s standout offerings include the debut of FX’s Grotesquerie, a sinister crime series that blurs the line between horror and psychological thriller, brand new Halloween specials from fan-favorite animated series Solar Opposites and Family Guy, as well as five, all-new scary tales from FX’s American Horror Stories, the final season of FX’s What We Do in the Shadows and the second season of Reginald the Vampire. For film enthusiasts, October brings the premiere of the highly-anticipated Hold Your Breath starring Sarah Paulson, Hulu Originals Mr. Crocket and Carved, and classics from M. Night Shyamalan featuring The Sixth Sense, Signs, The Happening and Unbreakable. Other fan favorites now streaming include Immaculate, Us, The First Omen, and Smile, as well as Barbarian, Ma, The Fly, The Purge and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter coming October 1.

Halloween on Disney+

Halloween on Disney+ returns with an unbeatable lineup of spooky content that is perfect for families and fans of all ages. Disney+ presents a curated selection of premieres and timeless classics, including the highly anticipated Agatha All Along (September 18) from Marvel Television, the return of the beloved franchise Wizards Beyond Waverly Place (October 30), and a brand new Halloween-themed short from The Simpsons titled The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (October 11). Fans can also enjoy recent hits like Descendants: The Rise of Red, Goosebumps, Haunted Mansion, and Marvel Television’s Werewolf by Night, alongside treasured favorites such as Hocus Pocus, Hocus Pocus 2, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Halloweentown, and The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror Collection.

For subscribers looking to set the perfect mood this season, Disney+ will launch Hallowstream, a continuous stream of Halloween-themed content, later this fall. Whether it’s for a festive Halloween party or a cozy night in, viewers can easily access a curated lineup at any time.

Hulu on Disney+

Now with Hulu on Disney+, Bundle subscribers will have access to the best of both worlds, combining Disney+’s spooky family-friendly content with Hulu’s extensive general entertainment lineup, all in one convenient place.


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Jerry Paxton

A long-time fan and reveler of all things Geek, I am also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of