Cyanide Studio and NACON are pleased to announce that Season 6 of Blood Bowl 3 is out now, featuring not one but TWO new factions: the Goblins and Halflings. This new season is also accompanied by a special event featuring these new factions, as well as two new unlockable rewards pathways, Star Players and a host of adjustments. Blood Bowl 3 is available on PC, PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One.

Halflings, a big team in a small package!
The modest size of the Halflings presents a number of disadvantages during Blood Bowl matches, including added difficulty in receiving or throwing the ball, their slower speed and relative weakness when it comes to blocking their opponents. However, they can count on a formidable asset: their robust Treemen teammates. Although they are not one of the most competitive teams in the game, the Halflings faction is without any doubt one of the most fun to play, and is sure to delight any coach desperately seeking a challenge, to show off the extent of their tactical skills!

Play the originality card by picking the Goblins!
The Goblins faction is renowned for its juvenile sense of humour and exuberant creativity when it comes to finding innovative ways of harming the opposition, by fair means or foul, without suffering any retaliation. Goblins can also call on an inexhaustible supply of “secret” weapons, as well as on the assistance of brutish Trolls, who can throw their smaller teammates up the field. All of which might not make them one of the best-performing teams, but definitely one of the most entertaining!

A special ‘Goblins vs. Halflings’ event, and a host of adjustments
To mark the arrival of these two new factions, Season 6 is offering a special event enabling players to experience the Goblins-Halflings rivalry for themselves, by coaching one of the two factions and facing off against the other, with predefined teams! Meanwhile, this season features new Star Players. A whole set of adjustments aimed at improving the gameplay is also being rolled out, such as changes to the Official Ladder rules, enhanced matchmaking or the option to transfer cosmetic items from one unit in a faction to the same unit in another faction. For example, a helmet worn by a Goblin in the Goblin team can also be used by a Goblin in the Orcs team. Furthermore, new player profile customisation options will be added as the season progresses.

Blood Bowl 3 is a tactical turn-based fantasy football game adapted from the popular eponymous board game. Set in the Warhammer universe, this game offers a thrilling and brutal experience, where players get the chance to coach a team from one of the many available factions (Elves, Orcs, Dwarfs, etc.), customise them and climb up the rankings by taking on other players online.

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Jerry Paxton

A long-time fan and reveler of all things Geek, I am also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of