Saddle up, adepts of Evil! Publisher Kalypso Media and developer Realmforge Studios have announced the first DLC for their dungeon management simulator – Dungeons 4. Get ready for an adventure with Dungeons 4 – the Good, the Bad, and the Evil, introducing a new Wild West inspired landscape on PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5, releasing on August 8.

Embark on an Evil pursuit against the formidable Dwarven Queen Brynnhild through the untamed West in five new missions. New dwarven units like the Pistolero, Machine Dwarf and Crack Shot, armed with powerful dwarven weaponry, add a fresh layer of tactical evilness, while Thalya goes full Wicked Wild West, bringing new passive skills into the fight against the Good.

Steam locomotives rumble across the land, brimming with dwarves armed with dynamite and guns, led by Brynnhild and her fearsome steel train, bringing hope to the forces of light and goodness—how revolting! But fear not, for you, with Thalya and your new arsenal, are the key to turning the tide in favour of Evil.

Use the new Steam trap and Hydro-Lava-non to protect your dungeon heart, which frightful new vermin, including Giant Scorpions, Lavalumps and Manavores, now call home. Once your dungeon is secure, destroy the enemy locomotives and build a carriage of carnage of your very own for the good of all that is evil!

Dungeons 4 – the Good, the Bad and the Evil will break free from the forces of Good and storm onto PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5 on August 8.

Disclaimer: Any resemblance to real cowboys, gun-slinging dwarves, or evil overlords is purely coincidental. No scorpions were harmed in the making of this game… probably.

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Jerry Paxton

A long-time fan and reveler of all things Geek, I am also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of