Today, Paradox Arc and Game River released a new update to their tactical war game Mechabellum. The game, currently in Steam Early Access let’s players control armies of mechs and robots in online competitive arenas. The update introduces a new unit, the Sandworm, as well as a brand new map.

Introducing the Sandworm
Prepare to dominate the battlefield with the Sandworm, a colossal melee unit that can burrow underground and emerge to deliver devastating attacks on its foes. This fearsome addition can shake up strategies and keep players on their toes.

New Map for the Brawl Mode
The update also brings a brand-new map to the 4-player brawl mode, featuring a layout inspired by the original map. This new battleground offers fresh visuals for players to test their mettle.

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Jerry Paxton

A long-time fan and reveler of all things Geek, I am also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of