The balance of power can only be maintained by careful management of threats and obligations. Find accommodation with other great powers, guaranteeing economic access, or build a coalition of states focused on a common goal, be it stability, trade freedom, or ideological comity. Discover the power and potential of Sphere of Influence, available today.

Sphere of Influence is the first expansion pack for Victoria 3, Paradox Interactive’s grand strategy societal simulation of the century from 1836 and 1936. This expansion adds greater depth to the diplomatic game, with new ways of managing subject states, greater opportunities for economic investment in foreign economies, and, at the center of the expansion, Power Blocs that allow great powers to throw their weight around the globe to increase their prestige, influence and wealth.

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Jerry Paxton

A long-time fan and reveler of all things Geek, I am also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of