3…2…1…takeoff! Get your rockets and space suits ready as Space for Sale launches into Early Access on Steam this summer! Start your very own space realtor adventure, solo or with a friend! All of this is topped off with a new dev diary entry.

In today’s dev diary, Mirage Game Studios’ Lead Artist Toby talks with Simon, their Game Director, about the changes the studio had to make for Space for Sale to pivot it into an early access title, how Space for Sale is moving towards becoming a more replayable game, about finishing planets, and their bigger focus on community building while introducing their new Community Manager, Masha!

About Space for Sale

Space for Sale follows the delightful journey of an intergalactic property developer on a mission to build hospitable dwellings, cosy lodgings and luxurious estates. Your list of alien clientele is ever expanding, but so are their demands. The housing market is all about location, location, location – so venture out to discover the wonders scattered throughout the solar system, and more importantly, try to turn them into sweet profit. Word of warning, some of the local flora and fauna will not take kindly to outsiders. Don’t jump the gun just yet, with careful observation and collaborative experiments you might win them over. Learn how local lifeforms have adapted to harsh biomes and make use of your discoveries to enhance your structures and gadgets!

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Jerry Paxton

A long-time fan and reveler of all things Geek, I am also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of GamingShogun.com