Today’s Titan Quest II Developer Diary takes a closer look at the Mythological Level Design. In order to create an experience worthy of the original, the world of Titan Quest II is being handcrafted from the ground up to create a unique and cherished setting.

From stately temples to lairs of mythological beasts and the realms of divine beings – you never know what might be waiting for you! The locations in Titan Quest II are being designed with the history and mythology of ancient Greece in mind, like a ruined Doric shrine, surrounded by cascading waterfalls overlooking the turquoise coasts of the Peloponnese.

The world of Titan Quest II is a blend of open roaming spaces and structured points of interest, while the smaller side locations break up the open world, offering opportunities for grand adventures.

Read more on Steam now:

For a deep dive on various other topics check out the previous dev diaries:
The Ichthians:
World Design:
Mythical Creatures:
The Titan Quest II Announcement trailer:

Forged in the creative crucible of Grimlore Games in Germany, Titan Quest II is currently under development. This epic odyssey is destined for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series S/X, eagerly anticipated to launch when the time comes.

Titan Quest II will also be part of this year’s THQ Nordic Showcase 2024, airing on Friday, August 2, 2024, at 12:00 PM PDT / 3 PM EDT / 8 PM BST / 9 PM CEST / 10 PM MSK.

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Jerry Paxton

A long-time fan and reveler of all things Geek, I am also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of