You can feel it coming…Anticipatory excitement like mild electricity surging through your body… E3 is close. And this year, we will be covering the expo for the first time. And yet, many people I talk to about E3 seem ambivalent. They tell me how last year’s was ‘lame’ and disorganized. Thats when it hits me. That electricity I feel is a remnant from the previous incarnation of the expo, when it was huge and a spectacle to behold.

The whole point in downsizing the expo was to save everyone money but all thats seemed to happen is that exhibitors are spending more than ever not only on the E3 expo, but their inhouse showings and other gaming events like Leipzig.

E3 must make a comeback this year. Its very survival depends on it. All hope is not lost, thankfully. There is still enough memory of ‘what was’ to get us through this rough patch should they improve the show. Bring back some of the spectacle, the glitz, the energy. Everyone here is pulling for the event and hopes it lives up to our expectations.

Which brings us to this…Only a handful of days remain until it begins. Our preparations are fully underway. The hotel room has been booked (long in advanced thanks to the Shogun), the right configuration of bags have been selected and are waiting for their final payloads, and our transportation has been arranged. Pfgonzo will be flying down early next week before the festivities begin to meet the rest of us so we can get underway. Our meetings have all been scheduled save for a few select timeslots which I am wrestling with as I type this. We have been contacted by several last-minute requests to meet, so I am confident we will get those assigned in no time.

We will post again soon with our official equipment list so you know what tech we will be using in our coverage.


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Jerry Paxton

A long-time fan and reveler of all things Geek, I am also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of